Implementation & Integration Services

Your Certified Procore Experts

Completed the Procore-led implementation and still not sure how to use the system?

Not sure how to make Procore work for your specific business or projects?

Realizing your processes don’t seem to align with how Procore functions?

Wishing you had an expert to help you get everyone trained and using Procore correctly?

Need Help with Implementation?

Implementation & Integration


Procore customers often encounter unforeseen issues once they’ve decided to move forward with Procore for their construction company. Once Procore’s implementation is complete, companies are often left to ‘figure it out on their own’. This can lead to a slow rollout or lack of adoption, so companies often don’t see the full value of their investment for months or years!


Ascent’s Procore Consultants lead workshops to define how your processes, workflows, and people will use Procore for maximum benefit. Our Consultants also provide group and individual training sessions for your teams, ensuring they know how to use all the tools in your Procore system.


  • Work directly with Construction Industry Professionals that understand both Procore and construction processes at a detailed, functional level
  • Connect Procore to your accounting system with the confidence that it won’t ‘screw up’ your books
  • Quicker adoption and integration of Procore into daily activities through focused training, reference documentation, and training videos tailored specifically for your company.
  • Get Procore’s tools, permissions, and workflows set up quickly and correctly for use by all team members.

Book Your FREE Procore Consultation Now

Could you benefit from the advice of a construction business expert? In our 30-minute call, you will get recommendations for immediate adjustments that will improve the performance and profitability of YOUR construction company.

Other ways we help with (or without) Procore

We have extensive experience helping our clients evaluate Procore as a potential solution for their business, and maximizing their investment in the shortest amount of time. We also understand that software is just a piece of the puzzle and needs to be integrated with your processes, procedures, and people for maximum benefit.

In addition to Procore consulting, we offer the following related services: