DSI Group Design + Construction


To whom it may concern,

Ascent has undertaken several marketing, strategy and operational projects for us over the past year. As
construction industry experts, we found their ability to focus on the core issues of each project, collect and organize supporting information, and steer us in the right direction to be invaluable in helping us upgrade our operations.

They helped us develop a modern looking and useable website and a solid marketing and business
development strategy utilizing the most up to date tactics. They also provided us with highly strategic,
insightful, and actionable recommendations that enabled us to make immediate improvements in our

It is vitally important that we have faith and trust in our external consultants as we frequently share sensitive and confidential information with them. Ascent has both our respect and trust and we would have no
hesitation in recommending their services to others.


DSI Design+ Construction, Inc.

John DeMent



Cornerstone Contractors

Operational Design

To Whom It May Concern:

We hired Ascent Consulting In 2018 to reorganize our company, standardize and implement operational improvements, and select an ERP software in preparation for continued growth. Through their discovery process, we identified the areas of our business where adjustments held the most value. Ascent came in with a plan to not only restructure our operations, but to assist with change management of our staff by identifying what skill gaps existed between our current and future operations. The result was a documented project management operation where our associates know what they are responsible for and how to perform their tasks.

In addition to the standardization and documentation, Ascent went beyond our agreement to step in and assist the software company with implementation and training of our staff. This
reduced the learning curve and increased the adoption rate of our new software system.

With their methodical approach and willingness to go the extra mile to ensure the success of the project, I would recommend Ascent Consulting to any organization In need of standardization and operational improvements. 


Joe Corona, President

Cornerstone Contracting Group

E-TEC Electrical Contractors

Operational Design

To whom it may concern:

When we hired Ascent Consulting, we were looking for a partner to help our company ‘get to the next level”. With Ascent’s depth of knowledge of the commercial construction industry, and especially Electrical Contracting, were felt confident that they would be able to help us.

We started by selecting a new Estimating, Accounting and Project Management solutions to replace QuickBooks. Ascent guided us through the evaluation process and helped us select software that’s suited to both our industry as electrical contractors, and the way we operate our business. They assisted with the setup and implementation of both the new Estimating and ERP systems, and trained our staff through a series of hands-on classes to ensure that everyone was comfortable with the new tools.

Next, Ascent reviewed our current processes and found ways to blend these with our new software. In addition to training our staff on these new best practices, they designed and delivered a series of training classes on Project Management Excellence. These classes provided invaluable training and education to our entire team, explaining how large contractors manage projects to success.

Ascent wrapped up our project by documenting everything we did together and built a customized Company Operations Manual. The manual details all of the day-to-day processes, systems and tasks that are performed, who is responsible for performing them, how to perform, and provides a full appendix of supporting documentation that we built throughout the project. It is now our “go-to reference manual” when we have operational questions and will make an excellent training manual as we grow and add more staff.

Ascent provided a complete, end-to-end consulting package that truly took us where we wanted to be as a company. They took the time to get to know our business, helped us to identify the gaps and opportunities, developed a plan for us, and provided constant support through out the process. They have provided outstanding service and became a true partner in our success. I would highly recommend Ascent Consulting to any construction company looking to reach the next level of performance and professionalism.


BJ Thomas

M.O. Inc.

Operational Design

To Whom It May Concern

When we hired the team at Ascent Consulting in the middle of 2017, we were experiencing unpredictable project performance and were unable to accurately or reliably predict the outcomes of most projects. We had recently put several technology tools in place, but they were not being used effectively or consistently by the Operations team and were not contributing to the success of the company.

The team at Ascent developed a standardized Project Management Methodology that was customized to our operations and software tools. They worked with our team to ensure industry best practices were merged with our company’s existing methods of project management and delivery. They provided detailed training and documentation of this new Methodology to help ensure adoption across the organization, and developed additional technology solutions for us as part of this process. Now we have a standardized methodology for project execution that provides real-time financial visibility and the ability to proactively manage our projects for improved financial performance and profitability. We have also streamlined or eliminated wasteful activities with efficient processes and the adoption of new technology solutions.

The team at Ascent Consulting took the time to understand our business and design customized solutions that have truly made a difference for our organization. I now have the tools I need to make educated and informed decisions at the project and corporate level, and my staff is more organized and effective in delivering projects for our customers. I would recommend them to any business owners wishing to improve their company’s performance and profitability.


Franklin Anderson Jr., VP

MO Inc.

M.O. Inc.


To Whom It May Concern:

We have used Ascent Consulting on various projects in the past and have always been very happy with the results.

When we decided to update our website early 2021, it was an easy choice. I reached out to Ascent, within a few days Adam and his team had a clear and precise plan in place. Kodili took the lead and walked us through the process. She worked the plan from start to finish and within a few weeks, our new website was live. We could not be happier with the results.

With today’s construction environment constantly changing and all the new technologies being implemented, it is nice to know you have a resource like Ascent Consulting to reach out to for help.


Franklin Anderson Jr.


Nima Construction

Operational Assessment

To whom it may concern,

I own a construction company in the Bay Area that specializes in residential ground­up builds, and high-end remodels. I started working with Ascent Consulting (Ascent) when my company started experiencing some growing pains. l needed help transitioning to a higher volume of projects and employees. Construction is a complex industry that lacks the business resources that are easily available to other businesses. I was relieved to find Ascent is an expert in the construction industry and construction business operations. Without Ascent I would not have been able to take my company to the next level.

Ascent started with the Operational Assessment to truly understand my company, and learn how we were operating. With that information Ascent was able to put together a customized plan for improvements. A system of checks & balances was created that allowed me to remove myself from the day-to-day of construction site management. Ascent created an Operations Manual that detailed how to perform essential functions for Accounting and Project Management, and developed a customized Ouality Control program with digital forms and automated weekly reporting. Once the operational side of my business was set-up, and along with ongoing support from Ascent, I was able to focus on growing my business.

A huge part of growing my business involved marketing. Ascent truly enhanced my marketing by creating a new full-featured website that showcases my company’s work, expertise and professionalism. Ascent designed and managed an outbound digital marketing campaign to increase visibility in the high-end residential marketplace. Lastly, Ascent managed all of my social media and content creation. They really can do it all!

Thank You,

Nima Pirzadeh, CEO

South East Scanning and Cutting Services


Our company, headquartered in Atlanta, GA has over 11 years of experience providing accurate GPR scans and concrete cutting solutions. Our coring division provides clean, efficient service with a professional attitude.

We needed a website upgrade for quite some time. Our old website did not properly portray our services or speak enough to who we are as a company. The main goal for our new website was to increase traffic through SEO by providing more in-depth information about what we do and how we do it. We also hoped that the new website would drive market expansion by surfacing new potential clients and project opportunities.

We didn’t have the internal resources or staff that could get this done, so we contacted Ascent Consulting because of our great experiences with them in the past and their specific experience in Marketing to and for the AEC industry.

Our project kicked off seamlessly, and Ascent did a wonderful job of providing a clear path and timeline at the launch of this project.

Throughout the project, we remained updated and in the mix. There were several review sessions where we were given the opportunity to give our input about content and design ideas, which they incorporated quickly.

Ascent went above and beyond on our website. They have given our company a fresh new online look, and we could not be happier!

Veronica Conti

Managing Member, Owner

Rick B General Contractors


To Whom It May Concern:

I hired Ascent consulting to build a new website for my General Contracting business in mid- 2018. I chose Ascent Consulting because of their reputation and knowledge of the commercial construction industry. I needed more than just a web design firm, I needed construction industry experts to help craft my messaging to connect with my desired clients. The team at Ascent are knowledgeable, talented and professional. They handled everything that I needed including domain registration, email hosting setup and transfer, and a number of unforeseen issues that came up during the process.

The Lead Designer kept me informed during the entire process so I was never confused about the status of the project. They were quick to incorporate any feedback I gave them, and their design work was clean with powerful and impactful messaging. I was very impressed with the final result.

This was my first time working with Ascent, and I will continue to rely on them for all of my ongoing marketing needs. I would recommend Ascent Consulting to anyone who is in need of design or marketing services.


Rick Borowiec, President


Sudlow Concrete

Operational Assessment

To Whom It May Concern:

The team at Ascent Consulting were hired in the early part of 2017 to evaluate our internal business operations and staff, and make recommendations for structural changes and/or workflow assignments to increase the productivity at Sudlow Concrete. They helped to identify roles and clarify responsibilities for each position which would increase operational efficiency. They created standardized processes to optimize our billing, payroll, and cost reporting, which resulted in fewer AR/AP errors, increase accuracy in our cost reporting, and improved customer satisfaction. They also performed a complete financial review of our operations and assembled a solid plan to reduce operating costs and increase profitability.

The team at Ascent Consulting is experienced, knowledgeable, and pleasant to work with. They communicate efficiently and effectively, and offer solutions that are tailored to your organization’s needs. I would highly recommend them to any business owner looking for ways to improve their company’s performance and profitability.


Bill Sudlow


Waldrop Construction, Inc.

Operational Assessment

To Whom It May Concern:

We hired the team at Ascent Consulting in the summer of 2019 to perform an Operational Assessment. We felt we needed an outside expert to evaluate our business, processes and staff, and make recommendations for our company in order to get to the next level of success. After several conversations with Ascent, we felt confident that they had the required knowledge and expertise in the construction industry to provide what we needed.

Ascent spent two days at our office, learning everything they could about the way we operate. They met with staff from all departments, even the field staff, and left few stones unturned. We found the process enjoyable -they were friendly and supportive, and were able to provide real-world examples and suggestions during the meetings.

As the business owner, I rarely dedicate time to examining my business, as I’m so busy working in it. The Assessment forced me to carve out time to really look at where my time was being spent, and begin to think about where I want the company to go.

We received the written report ten days later and were extremely pleased. It was an honest evaluation of our company, and they provided many great recommendations that I knew would have a positive impact on Waldrop Construction, Inc.

We met with our team a few days later to share the report, and they were excited and enthusiastic about implementing many of the solutions Ascent recommended. We all agreed that this was the push we needed to start making changes that will benefit both the company, our staff, and our customers.

The value we received from Ascent’s Operational Assessment was far beyond the investment we made with Ascent Consulting. They are now a trusted resource, and we look forward to continuing our relationship with them.

If you’re looking for guidance in how to best take your business to the next level, I would highly recommend the team at Ascent Consulting.

Thank you,

Sean M. Waldrop, President


Waldrop Construction, Inc.


Apex Pavers & Pools

Operational Assessment

To Whom It May Concern:

Due to the significant growth Apex has experienced over the last several years and my desire to scale the business even further, I hired Ascent Consulting to complete an Operations Assessment and to help me determine gaps in our processes, policies and procedures, and perform personnel evaluations evaluate the capacity and capabilities of our core staff.

The Ascent team spent four days on-site examining the overall health of our organization through their Assessment process and interviewing and evaluating our core team of fifteen employees. The Apex staff enjoyed engaging in the discovery process, and Ascent’s insight into our business, people, and personalities exceeded our expectations. Their findings confirmed and gave voice to things I had been thinking, as well as provided us with new ideas and recommendations tailored to our unique business that would enhance our performance and profitability over the coming months.

As an extremely busy business owner, I knew I could not implement all the recommendations presented to us that were needed to scale our business in a timely and effective manner. I chose to engage the Ascent team to assist us in the implementation of many of the recommendations they provided.

Ascent has been instrumental in helping Apex transition to the next level. I look forward to a continued relationship Ascent and recommend others invite them as partners to continue to build their business. Ascent not only provides creative and unique solutions to help ‘build better constructions companies,’ but their team is committed to making that happen.


Ryan Figman

Apex Pavers and Pools

EM Holt Building Services

Operational Assessment


To Whom it May Concern:

EM Holt Building Services hired the team at Ascent Consulting in June of 2020. We hired them to perform a full review of our operations, internal processes, financials, and execution of construction projects.

The EM Holt team spent 2 full days with the Ascent team, reviewing every aspect of our business. Jeff and Adam are very knowledgeable around all things construction, and were great to be around. Each of them have extensive construction experience, and were able to compress that knowledge into a report on the current state of my business. During this initial Operational Assessment, the Ascent team showed they were there to listen, so they could truly understand the state of my company, and provide feedback based on our cuITent state. The process was streamlined and organized, and the summarized report, which was delivered quickly, from our two days together will show to be very helpful for the growth of my business.

I believe this will only be the beginning of a long, healthy relationship with Ascent, and I know their future services will be even more beneficial to EM Holt Building Services. I cannot thank them enough for their professionalism, knowledge, and ideas they are able to share.


James Whitehurst
Managing Partner, EM Holt Building Services LLC

Advanced Communications and Electronics, Inc.

Incentive Programs

Advanced Communications and Electronics, Inc. recently had the pleasure to work with Ascent Consulting. We struggled on how to revise our compensation packages to align with the growth goals of our company. Not only did Ascent provide us with an incredible insight into industries similar to ours, they also conducted a deep-dive into our financials and what small changes could be made that would have a big impact in the areas that we shared were a concern for us.

Partnering with Ascent, we learned that although our commissions structure was generous to our team members, it did not incentivize individuals for behaviors that would be necessary to grow and maintain excellent customer relationships. Learning new ways to think about your business is critical for growth and it was eye opening to see how easy it could be done through the process that Ascent put together for us.

We also learned that everyone, not just your sales team, has an impact on your bottom line. If we made changes to the way we considered “success” on a job, we could impact the desire of the team members to do a great job; every time.

If your business wants to move to the next level, improve your relationship with your current team members, find out why you are so busy but not making money, Ascent is absolutely worth a call! Your business is destined to succeed if you consider following the advice of the Ascent Consulting team.

I would be more than happy to provide you with more details about Ascent and the value that they brought to our company.


Lori Henz




Sincere experienced significant growth in 2021- increase in the number of construction projects, the addition of a Design Division, the addition of a self-perform team and the start of a Development Division – and along with it came growing pains, most importantly the need for a robust project management software solution. We needed a robust platform which our staff would be able to use with ease across multiple devices and most critically integrate successfully with our accounting software, QuickBooks. As owners, we knew growing the business is the most important task at hand and the time to research and learn about various project management software was just not available. We went about searching for an expert in project management software and came across Ascent. The Ascent team came to our Houston office and spent 2 days learning about our business processes and how we would best benefit from a project management software. Together, we determined Procore © would be the best fit.

After making that determination, Ascent spent a couple weeks truly understanding our internal standard operating procedures and creating in depth detailed process maps. The process maps are a great tool which we have distributed to our staff to use to follow our SOPs. We still find our selves fine tuning these maps as we discover better and more efficient ways of doing things!

Ascent helped us setup our Procore account from the ground up by making sure the appropriate settings were customized based on our business needs. They interfaced with Procore support as needed to make sure our concerns were addressed, and issues resolved. Ascent also proposed a new way for us to structure QuickBooks to allow a seamless integration with Procore. Ascent was there at each step of the way, tackling each technical issue we encountered ensuring our Procore account was setup just as we desired.

Ascent has been an invaluable partner and asset in helping Sincere upgrade its set of tools as we grow. If your business is growing and you recognize the need to solidify your processes and are ready to invest in a reputable project management software, I would recommend Ascent to be your partner in that process. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions – Yusuf@Buildwithsincere.com

Yusuf Adenwala
CFO & Director of Business Development

TCB Electrical Corp

Incentive Programs

To Whom It May Concern:

I have worked with Jeff Robertson from Ascent Consulting over the last couple of months in the creation and implementation of a bonus plan.

I can honestly say that he was a pleasure to work with. He is extremely knowledgeable of the electrical industry and how it operates. He has an extreme amount of patience and leaves no stone upturned. He taught me a great deal about the industry with the patience of a saint.

I would highly recommend Ascent Consulting to anyone who needs help with their electrical operations. They are professional, thorough and they deliver on time. I have been quite impressed.


Linda Reilly

Southern Mechanical Contractors, Inc.


Dear Mr. Adam Cooper,

As a recent client of Ascent Consulting, I am reaching out to provide a professional recommendation for your consulting business for the construction industry. My company has relied on Ascent Consulting to provide a refreshed website and enhanced online presence. My company called on Ascent Consulting to assist on two separate oce:asions, once in September of 2021 and another time in July 2022 to add a header to the website to enhance our hiring campaign.

During the two assignments that we have worked with Ascent Consulting, they have become a true partner to our company. More than just a vendor, the Ascent Consulting team worked closely with our team to ensure that our website design projects needs were met. Their team is both proactive and responsive, providing valuable advice and guidance that helps our organization meet its overall goals and objectives.

As a recent client of Ascent Consulting, I am pleased to be able to give them my wholehearted endorsement. If you’re looking for a partner to provide high level consulting services tailored to construction, for your organization, Ascent Consulting is an excellent choice.

If you have any questions regarding my firm’s experience with Ascent Consulting, please let me know. My phone number is 678-672-4598 and my email address is chebel@someco.com. Feel free to reach out.



Colleen Hebel

Office Manager

Wright Brothers

Operational Assessment

To whom it may concern,

Our company engaged with Ascent Consulting in November of 2022 seeking a 3rd party non-bias assessment of our business operationally and financially. Having grown from a 25MM/year business in 2016 to a 125MM/year 2022 our systems and processes were being stressed at every level. Our two options were to either shrink back to a company where our current systems or processes were fully functional or get outside council to identify where resources and attention need be focused.

Ascent’s approach to this comprehensive analysis started with a thorough review of our current systems, policies, and financials months before showing up at our office in February of ’23. During their four-day onsite visit Ascent was able to gather invaluable information to culminate their report through a systematic approach to understanding every level of our company. The results of the report were both reassuring in areas we knew needed to be addressed, but more importantly highlighted areas which we hadn’t realized to be of issue if we wanted to continue to grow.

The report, just like their onsite interview, was clearly outlined in every area of the business including strengths and recommendations of change. As a business owner, having a roadmap to fixing or improving performance can be half the battle, getting those entrusted to manage their departments and embrace change is the other. Ascents report resonated with all involved based on their professional engagement during the onsite interviews and accuracy derived from their findings.

Currently, our company has engaged Ascent’s Greg Gorman as a fractional CFO to bring his expertise to help improve our accounting systems. Additionally, we are working with Jeff and our internal key personnel to create a sustainable and effective change management system to not only implement but continue to grow our business for years to come. I would highly recommend Jeff Robertson and his team at Ascent Consulting; I am certain we will see a rapid return on investment which will drive employee retention and company culture for years to come.

Thank you,

Zach Higgins, Owner/CEO

Edge Electric

Operational Assessment

To whom it may concern,

I am Sandra Johnson the President of Edge Electric. We started working with Ascent because we want to create processes that are clearly defined, streamlined and scalable. Further, we wanted to improve our bottom through strategic project management. Ascent spent an entire week, onsite, getting to know our team and diving deep into our current processes and procedures. Within one month Ascent delivered a thorough assessment of the business and detailed suggestions organized by priority and difficulty. We’re looking forward to working with them on implementation!

The project took place over the course of approximately five weeks. Ascent’s scope included a series of onsite workshops conducted across a 3-day period with particular focus given to Edge’s Procore usage and integrations, anticipated ERP migration, and expansion plans. Ascent then authored a detailed “Comprehensive Operational Assessment” report examining over twenty facets of Edge’s business presented alongside custom recommendations.

This work, along with the help Ascent provided, allowed us to pinpoint our strengths and weaknesses, allowing us to plan for growth and success!

We are so happy that we contacted Ascent to help us restructure our business in preparation for scaling nationwide!


Sandra Johnson, President

Edge Electric

Bald Cypress Builders LLC

Operational Assessment

Bald Cypress Builders LLC hired Ascent Consulting, Inc. at a point where our company growth and improvements to efficiency had stagnated, our operations were barely getting us by, and at a time where we needed some redirection and guidance forward. We began working with the Ascent Team, prioritizing future business planning, improved operational efficiency, and personnel documentation and organization, with hopes that at the conclusion, we would be more efficient, more grounded in our day-to-day workflows, have better confidence in our current and future personnel, and feel energized about a solid company growth game plan moving forward.

We were able to work with Ascent for about 5 months. During that time, our Ascent duo, Jeff and Michelle, visited with our Team at our office in Lexington, South Carolina four times for all-day, intensive workshops including our whole Team. The in-person workshops were immensely helpful, and at times gave light to critical changes we needed to make as a company and Team. During those workshops, Jeff and Michelle were impressively attentive and engaged with our Team every step of the way, regardless of how many “rabbit holes” we took them down. During and after our workshops, using the guidance and collaborative teamwork Jeff and Michelle provided, we were able to internally make updates to many things, from backend accounting software changes, to processes that were pain points and are now sources of operational strength, to helping us create more clarity around who does what on our Team and how all of those individual responsibilities allow our Team to function together as a whole. It was easy for us to feel like Jeff and Michelle were members of our own Team during these in-person workshops due to their “dive right in” mentality, combined with their willingness to explore whatever we needed to discuss at any point in time. Our entire Team felt like Jeff and Michelle genuinely cared about our company’s long-term success as we all got into the weeds of things during those in-person workshops.

We are very grateful for the effort, attention, patience, and guidance Jeff and Michelle, and the whole Ascent Team, shared with us over the course of 5 months. It was clear to us that many folks on Ascent’s Team are incredibly experienced and knowledgeable when it comes to the construction industry. Much of what we learned from working with Ascent has made us a better Team today, and will make us a better Team and company moving forward for years to come.

Thank you, Ascent Consulting!
Bald Cypress Builders LLC


Matt Pocta

Amelia Pocta

Bald Cypress Builders, LLC

Terence McMahon Construction (TMC)


To Whom It May Concern:

We hired the team at Ascent Consulting in the winter of 2022 to perform Procore Setup, Financial systems Integration, and training for our team. We felt the need to employ outside experts to assist with proper configuration of our Procore account, connect it to QuickBooks, train our people, and fully integrate internal TMC processes within Procore to manage our projects. After several conversations with Ascent, we felt confident that they had the required knowledge as Procore-certified construction experts to provide what we needed.

Ascent made three onsite visits to our office to learn everything they could about our Procore needs and provide hands-on configuration and training classes. They met with staff from all departments and left few stones unturned. We found the process very enjoyable. They were friendly, supportive, and provided real-world examples and suggestions during our meetings to help us get the most out of our Procore system.

Over our three months together, Ascent worked to align our Procore processes across our teams, helped us integrate Procore and QuickBooks in a functioning ERP sync, and facilitated hours of tailored training on Procore’s Project Management and Financials tools. Our team agrees that we are more confident than ever to proceed with managing our jobs through Procore which now saves us time and improves our project management processes.

The value we received from Ascent’s consulting services was far beyond the investment we made with Ascent Consulting. They are now a trusted resource, and we look forward to continuing our relationship with them.

If you’re looking for guidance in how to best implement and maximize your investment in Procore, I would highly recommend the team at Ascent Consulting.


Terence McMahon


Stryker Electric

Operational Assessment

To whom it may concern,

I am Scott Eccleston, the CEO of Stryker Electric. We began working with Ascent out of a desire to create processes that are clearly defined, streamlined and scalable, and in keeping with our culture. Additionally, we wanted to improve our bottom line through strategic resource management. Ascent spent several days onsite getting to know our team and delving deep into our current processes and procedures. Within one month Ascent delivered a thorough assessment of the business and detailed suggestions organized by priority and difficulty.

The project took place over the course of approximately four weeks. Ascent’s scope included a series of onsite workshops conducted across a 3-day period, working through a structured discovery process to uncover what is working well currently, any particular struggles, and what may be needed for future growth and improvement. Ascent then authored a detailed
“Comprehensive Operational Assessment” report examining over twenty facets of Stryker’s business presented alongside custom recommendations.

This work, along with the help Ascent provided, allowed us to pinpoint our strengths and weaknesses, enabling us to plan for growth and success moving into the future.

We are so happy that we contacted Ascent to help us structure our business processes and procedures in preparation for future scaling. If you are looking for guidance or a fresh perspective on how to best prepare your company for your desired goals, I would highly recommend the team at Ascent Consulting.


Scott Eccleston, CEO

Stryker Electric

Retail Construction Services Inc.


To whom it may concern,

I am Nate Bachman, Field Operations Manager of Retail Construction Services. We started working with Ascent because we had somewhat of a failure to launch with our staff, and needed an outside partner to assist in getting our team aligned with our new processes in procore. Ascent helped us reach our goals by guiding us along a process giving us a good look in the mirror as to our current processes which allowed us to take a different approach to how we would utilize procore in the future.

They also helped us by creating training documentation to allow us to more easily train new hires on our processes in the future. This work, along with the help Ascent provided, allowed us to reintroduce procore to our team in a more successful way.

Ascent really helped us with our re-implementation and I would recommend them to anyone looking to fine tune their processes around a software rollout.


Nate Bachman

Field Operations Manager

Retail Construction Services, Inc.




August 17, 2023

To Whom It May Concern

Kevin Juliano, Tamara Brown, and Ascent Consulting made the process of learning how to navigate Procore interesting, fun, and most importantly easy. Procore has a lot to offer and there is steep learning curve that comes with learning how to use it; Kevin and Tamara both he! din person trainings over the course of three days that virtually eliminated the learning curve and allowed us to explore the potential that Procore brings to the table. Since both brought their own experience with the construction industry, many of our questions and concerns on being integrated into Procore were answered with in-depth explanations, and they equipped us with the knowledge to get the most out of Procore. We highly recommend any contractor who is curious about using Procore (and is intimidated by the process of learning how to use it) to give Ascent a call.


Jason W. Lewis, CEO


Victory Building Team

Marketing (RFP)

September 7, 2023

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to highly recommend Ascent Consulting for their exceptional services in assisting our organization with the creation of an effective and comprehensive Request for Proposal (RFP) document template. From the outset, their team exhibited a profound understanding of our requirements and displayed unwavering commitment to meeting our specific needs.

Throughout the project, Ascent Consulting demonstrated professionalism, efficiency, and an unparalleled level of expertise. They efficiently guided us through the intricacies of RFP document preparation, ensuring that our final template was well-structured, tailored to our industry, and equipped with all necessary elements to win more work.

Their attention to detail, coupled with their ability to adapt to our evolving needs, made the entire experience seamless and productive. We were thoroughly impressed with the final RFP document template, and we believe it will significantly impact our future business endeavors.

Working with Ascent Consulting has been an absolute pleasure, and we have no hesitation in recommending their services to any organization seeking expert guidance in crafting RFP documents.


Jeremy Baugh, Vice President

Victory Building Team 



To Whom It May Concern:

We hired the team at Ascent Consulting in the spring of 2023 to perform Procore Setup, Financial systems integration, and training for our team. We felt the need to employ outside experts to assist with proper configuration of our Procore account’s Financial and Project Management tools, train our people in their use, and fully integrate internal Enclave processes within Procore to manage our projects. After several conversations with Ascent, we felt confident that they had the required knowledge as Procore-certified construction experts to provide what we needed.

Ascent made three onsite visits to our office to learn everything they could about our Procore needs and provide hands-on configuration, process mapping, and training classes. They met with staff from all departments and left few stones unturned. They were friendly, supportive, and provided real-world examples and suggestions during our meetings to help us get the most out of our Procore system.

Over our four months together, Ascent performed a full audit of our Procore system setup. They worked to align our Procore processes across our teams and facilitated hours of tailored training on Procore’s Project Management and Financials tools. Our team agrees that we are more confident to proceed with managing our jobs through Procore which now saves us time and improves our project management processes.

If you’re looking for guidance in how to best implement and maximize your investment in Procore, I would highly recommend the team at Ascent Consulting.


Kyla Clayson
Director of Construction, MN


Sabre Commercial


October 4, 2023

Dear Jeff,

I am writing to thank you for your work with my team and our Procore configurations.

From the beginning of our engagement, you and Tamara provided invaluable advice for how to best help us re-engage within Procore to best leverage it for our Projects.

Tamara’s insight & patience working through Procore’s extensive company and project level permission templates helped to open our eyes to evaluate some of our company processes as well as what we expect from our Project Managers and Superintendents.

It was a pleasure to work with you and Tamara and we intend to call on you again in the future when we are ready to tackle the financial tools.


Todd Reimers
Chief Operating Officer
Sabre Commercial

OPREX Construction, LLC

Operational Assessment

October 25, 2023

To whom it may concern,

I am Stephen Lambert, the Principal and Founder of OPREX Construction, LLC. We initially engaged Ascent to address our company’s immediate challenges related to profit generation. We also sought a seasoned viewpoint on our existing operations, workflows, and procedures, along with guidance on improved Procore adoption and utilization within our team. Ascent spent two days onsite at our corporate office in Lubbock getting to know our team and diving deep into our current processes and procedures. Within one month Ascent delivered a thorough assessment of the business and detailed suggestions organized by priority and difficulty.

The project took place over the course of approximately five weeks. Ascent’s scope included a series of onsite workshops conducted across a 2-day period with particular focus given to OPR.EX’s profit risk pain points, Procore usage, and current operations processes. Ascent then authored a detailed
“Comprehensive Operational Assessment” report examining over twenty facets of OPREX’s business presented alongside custom recommendations.

This work, along with the help Ascent provided, enabled us to pinpoint our strengths and weaknesses to plan for growth and financial success moving forward. If you are looking for guidance or a fresh perspective on how to best prepare your company for your desired goals, T would highly recommend the team at Ascent Consulting.


Stephen Lambert, Principal & Founder

OPREX Construction, LLC 


Threecore LLC


October 31, 2023

Threecore, LLC’s experience with Ascent Consulting’s work as a construction consultant has been instrumental in our growth and the further development of our team. Their specializations in both Construction and Procore were a major part of the attraction for us. Our experience working with Ascent has been outstanding, and we are very happy to share the positive impact they have had on our organization and our people.

Ascent Consulting brought a remarkable level of organization and efficiency to our processes and software usage that exceeded our expectations. Their attention to detail and strategic planning significa1ntly contributed to streamlining our operations. We were particularly impressed by their ability to identify opportunities for customizations within the Procore platform, which resulted in substantial improvements to our project management processes.

One of Ascent’s most impressive qualities is their dedication to delivering tailored solutions. They took the time to listen and truly understand our specific needs and objectives, ensuring that every recommendation and implementation aligned with our company goals. Their expertise in Construction and Procore was evident in their ability to adapt and optimize how we utilized our platforms to suit our unique requirements.

Furthermore, their commitment to excellence was made very clear in their collaborative approach. They worked seamlessly with our team, fostering a productive and structured working environment. Their willingness to share knowledge, train our staff, and provide ongoing support showcased their genuine passion for our success.

In addition to their technical expertise, Ascent displayed remarkable interpersonal skills. They communicated complex concepts in a clear and concise manner, making it easy for our team to grasp and implement the recommended improvements. Their ability to build relationships and instill confidence among our team members was commendable.

In closing, Ascent would be an invaluable partner to any construction company that may be seeking to enhance their efficiency, understanding, or customizations with a partner who has a proven track record of success. We are sincerely grateful for the positive impact they’ve had on our organization and have no doubt that their expertise will continue to benefit others in the industry.


Ray Catlin

Lamperti Construction Inc.

Operational Design

This is an image of an Ascent Consulting Operational Design Reference Letter

Dear Jeff & team,

I am writing to express my gratitude for helping me to improve Lamperti Construction’s

Your approach to understand our company and our specific challenges and then guide us to
solutions that we all could embrace was thoughtful and thorough.

As you know we work with a unique type of customer and managing typical construction
process around a seasonal, non-construction oriented and sometimes absent client has been a
challenge for us. Your guidance to identify and approach our known project challenges earlier in
the cycle and from a different mindset has made all the difference in our ability to mitigate
potential risk to the company. We are already seeing the benefits.

I am happy to endorse you and your team at Ascent Consulting to anyone that is looking to
improve their construction business.


Joe Lamperti


Lamperti Construction

Lamperti Construction Inc.

Operational Design

This is an image of an Ascent Consulting Operational Design Reference Letter

I am writing to express my gratitude for helping me to improve Lamperti Construction’s

Your approach to understand our company and our specific challenges and then guide us to
solutions that we all could embrace was thoughtful and thorough.

As you know we work with a unique type of customer and managing typical construction
process around a seasonal, non-construction oriented and sometimes absent client has been a
challenge for us. Your guidance to identify and approach our known project challenges earlier in
the cycle and from a different mindset has made all the difference in our ability to mitigate
potential risk to the company. We are already seeing the benefits.

I am happy to endorse you and your team at Ascent Consulting to anyone that is looking to
improve their construction business.

Kendall Pittman

Human Resources & Accounting Manager

With passions for developing HR strategies and accurate financials, Kendall joins Ascent with 5+ years of hands-on experience in both disciplines. She holds a degree in Hospitality Management from the University of Central Florida, and is currently pursuing secondary education & certification in the field of Human Resources. 

Kendall has provided financial support to both the private sector as well non-profit organizations. Her accounting philosophy helps leaders connect business goals to objectives through accurate records & industry best practices. Additionally, she has pursued HR opportunities that focus on employee engagement, internal growth & development, and business-level strategic planning. 

Now, Kendall is dedicated to providing an uplifting environment to help drive further growth within Ascent. 

Sarah Red

Junior Coordinator

Sarah has 10+ years of experience in commercial construction spanning across 10 different states. during this time, she has gained experience in project & field management, also specializing in Construction Technology. Having worked on projects with value ranging from $5M – $2B, she has seen the industry from many angles.  



Sarah has worked across country and built in a variety of market sectors to perform both ground up & adaptive re-use projects. Her extensive experience has equipped her with in-depth knowledge of the construction industry, focusing on best methods of scaling technology to make her clients more competitive and successful in the market. 



Sarah is passionate about encouraging our clients to improve their business strategies, and building up the construction industry as a whole. 

Jack Austin

Marketing Coordinator

Jack is a marketing and communications professional who joins Ascent following a three-year stint in the healthcare staffing industry. 


Working as a member of the Ascent marketing team, Jack performs internal marketing automation tasks, analyzes web and marketing metrics, and creates multimedia content to highlight recent success stories with Ascent clients.


Born and raised in the Metro Atlanta area, Jack graduated from the University of Georgia in 2019 with a B.A. in Journalism and a certificate in Sports Media. He then went on to earn an M.B.A. from Georgia State University in December 2022, concentrating in the areas of marketing and business analytics.

Rhonda Hudson

Construction Accountant

Rhonda has three decades of diverse Controller experience that spans various aspects of construction, including manufacturing, mechanical, electrical, flooring, and residential building contracting. Rhonda has an Associate’s Degree in Accounting and has consistently demonstrated expertise in optimizing operational efficiencies, tracking financial performance, conducting annual audits, and building a process around the monthly close process.

In addition to her accounting work, Rhonda has a broad proficiency in a wide range of accounting software platforms and has a knack for adapting to new technologies swiftly. She has facilitated smooth transitions during software migrations and provided system training to numerous companies.

Bridgit Lawhead

Marketing Project Manager

Bridgit is a Marketing Project Manager, bringing a proven track record of managing accounts and marketing for diverse industries. Prior to joining Ascent Consulting, she was a Marketing Strategist for a small marketing agency that focused on transforming financial advisors’ businesses. Working with Marketing, Sales, and Upper Management to ensure strategic performance and management of tasks to appropriate team members, Bridgit helps manage the planning, development, design, execution, monitoring, and completion of all of our client marketing projects. 
Bridgit holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Speech Communication, with an emphasis in Public Relations from Valdosta State University. 

Kellie Barber

Office Manager

With a career spanning over 25 years in both the public and private sectors, Kellie stands as a seasoned professional and a valuable asset to our Ascent team. A dedicated, results-driven individual, Kellie brings a wealth of experience to the organization.

She is no stranger to the world of construction and has a comprehensive understanding from both the project management and engineering perspective.  Kellie has a keen eye for detail and a commitment to delivering excellence.

Nazia Hasnain

Project Coordinator

Nazia joined Ascent in the role of a project coordinator. Before joining Ascent, she served as a Web Project Coordinator.

With a rich background of 5 years of experience in the digital realm, she has been at the forefront of coordinating and managing web projects from concept to launch. With a blend of technical expertise and project management skills, she is dedicated to contributing to the success of diverse projects to ensure that projects not only meet but exceed expectations.

Gary Johnson


Gary grew up working summers from 7th grade through graduating college for a large plumbing and process piping contractor in Mobile, AL. After graduating from Auburn University with a BS in Computer Engineering, Gary spent the next 16 years working in the industrial automation industry with The Foxboro Company and the ERP software solutions space with JD Edwards.  

The 7 years with JD Edwards were primarily focused on the construction business, providing ERP software solutions to both large general contractors and large homebuilders. In 2003 Gary acquired a small residential plumbing contracting business in Pace, FL.  Over the next 17 years, Gary grew this business to three physical locations and more than 130 employees, performing commercial and residential plumbing projects in Florida, Alabama and Mississippi. 

In 2020, Gary sold the business and continued to work for the company on a consulting basis for 2 more years. The unusual background, including providing construction industry ERP software solutions as well as nearly 20 years acquiring, growing, operating and ultimately selling a large subcontracting business, gives Gary a unique perspective on the operations of a construction company. Gary holds master plumbing and gas fitter licenses in Florida, Alabama and Mississippi.

Stephen Crawford

Junior Consultant

Stephen possesses nearly a decade of extensive financial, operational, and leadership expertise spanning diverse professional sectors, primarily centered on construction, development, and construction management. Before joining Ascent Consulting, he spent five years as a CPA at Ernst & Young. He then made significant contributions to an electrical construction company in an internal consulting capacity. Subsequently, he pursued multiple freelance roles, including a pivotal position as a Fractional Chief Transformation Officer (CTO).

Throughout his career, Stephen adeptly guided companies through various rapid growth phases, overseeing crucial financial matters, driving strategic growth initiatives, and managing back-office functions. He holds a BBA in Accounting and a Master of Accountancy from The University of Georgia.

Zachary Hickman

Project Coordinator

Zachary brings 10+ years of project management experience as an owners representative for clients and from the developer side of the business.

He began his career as an assistant project manager with a masonry subcontractor in Florida, before moving to Atlanta.

Daphene Koch


Daphene’s construction experience began working in her family’s mechanical construction company.

Next, she worked for a large EPC firm on projects in Texas and Malaysia. With over 15 years of construction industry experience on commercial and industrial projects. Her roles have included project manager, safety manager, construction services leader, and pipefitters helper.

While a professor at Purdue University in the School of Construction Management, she worked as a consultant to help construction companies improve processes, project management, workforce development to name a few. She has a BS, MS, and PhD from Purdue University and resides in Indiana.

Hakeem Slaughter

Marketing Coordinator

Hakeem is a brand designer with over 10 years of experience. He has been a freelancer for about 9 years working with many different clients and industries under the following subjects: brand design, graphic design, web design, and social media marketing.


During that time freelancing, he also worked at many companies as a graphic and web designer. As well as taught disciplines of Art and Design to students varying from middle school age to college. As mentioned, he has a “jack of all trades” range but is quite proficient at WordPress and uses that knowledge to design cutting edge websites!


Hakeem specializes in branding, design, and creativity and is bringing his talents, skills, and passion to take Ascent Consulting to a new level!

Aimee Collier

Procore Specialist

Aimee joins Ascent as a Project Coordinator supporting our Senior and Procore Consultants. With construction industry experience both in-field and back-of-house (ranging from project site coordination to contract management to software administration), she brings a holistic perspective of the day-to-day challenges faced by our clients. Her varied professional roles include software implementation and training, technical content creation and design, and coordinating across teams to bring projects to successful completion. She is excited to direct her passion for people and processes toward our customers.