Construction Risk EXPLAINED – How to mitigate BEFORE it’s too late..

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You can’t afford to miss this episode. The team at Ascent Consulting tackles the threat of risks hanging over your construction project.

Adam warns that most contractors are not sufficiently risk averse. They don’t see risks coming until it is too late. Jeff advises using risk as a lens to plan a project – by identifying every possible problem.

With a wide range of examples, Adam, Jeff and Gregory unpack macro and micro risks. They explain how micro risks often surface on site, such as scheduling or worker safety. Macro risks threaten the health and stability of your company overall, such as unidentified errors in your budget or poor quality work that undermines your reputation.

Gregory warns there is a chain of risk that starts from the minute a contract starts until you walk off a job. Whether a general contractor, subcontractor or speciality contractor, listeners will glean valuable insight from their discussion on how to identify and mitigate each link in that chain.

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